Dave Ryan Ink

Humorist, journalist, and recovering lawyer, Dave Ryan tackles the issues of the day from a unique and humerous perspective.

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Note to squishies

I hope all of you anti-war-on-terror types are enjoying your freedom today (Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan I'm looking in your direction). As you have probably read, some more of Osama's (we presume) koolaid drinking henchmen were planning to get on some planes and cause some more havoc for innocent air travelers.

It would be interesting to see what the likes of Moore and Sheehan would say to the families of those who had tickets for these flights.

There is some irony that Connecticut Democrats ousted longtime rep Joe Lieberman because of his support for the war just a few days ago. One has to wonder how many of those living in Connecticut would have had family or friends on those flights.

Here's what Cheney had to say after Lieberman's defeat, but before the new al Qaeda plot:

Cheney said that to “purge a man like Joe Lieberman” was “of concern, especially over the issue of Joe’s support with respect to national efforts in the global war on terror.” He explained:

"The thing that’s partly disturbing about it is the fact that, the standpoint of our adversaries, if you will, in this conflict, and the al Qaeda types, they clearly are betting on the proposition that ultimately they can break the will of the American people in terms of our ability to stay in the fight and complete the task."

Maybe this will help some Democrats realize that even if the war isn't going the way they think it ought to, and even if they think that Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are complete boobs, the real bad guys are still out there trying to blow you up whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or non-voting ignoramus. Keep your eye on the prize.

The good news is that I don't think Democrats will do this, they will nominate some idiot like Hillary Clinton (they won't let a little thing like the fact that she too, like Lieberman, supported the war get in the way of their thinking) and she will get her ass kicked in the general election by someone like McCain, Guliani, etc.


Blogger Angry Nurse said...

It's sad fact but one should never under estimate the ability of any of those in opposition of a sitting government to do so just because they think they have to,especially when they think it will get them a vote or two.

As you mentioned so correctly indvidual opinions of the current US administration are secondary, the real prize needs to be kept in sight, something that is not happening at present.

If one does not like the current administration than they should vote against in the next election. Until than however people need to be reminded of the fact that this reality is one of the joys of a decomcratic and free society. Sometimes you have government you don't agree with.

It's just to bad that under current circumstances the people of the United States choices may be limited to the Elephant in the china shop or the donkey in the china shop...either way lots of stuff is going to get broken!

6:37 p.m. MDT  

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