Dave Ryan Ink

Humorist, journalist, and recovering lawyer, Dave Ryan tackles the issues of the day from a unique and humerous perspective.

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bronconnier cries boo-hoo

I'll admit it: don't like the guy; don't trust the guy, and can't figure out why everyone keeps voting for him. Now Calgary's version of Mayor Daley is bitching that he should have more control over purse strings and responsibility for schools.

When you drive to or from work over the next few days, ask yourself whether you trust Bronco to take control of things. He claims that he is forward thinking, but if that's the case, why are Calgarians waiting in traffic in new areas of Calgary while infrastructure such as overpasses are being built. Didn't the ever omniscient Bronconnier see that building a new community with thousands of houses would require this infrastructure?

Although he doesn't mention it in this latest rant, one of Bronco's favourites, especially when trying to justify tax increases, is that Calgary is growing so he needs more money.


Every person who comes pays property, income, and sales tax. Bronco always complains like the newcomers have to be supplied infrastructure and services on the old resident's taxes. The tax base grows as the population does.


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