Dave Ryan Ink

Humorist, journalist, and recovering lawyer, Dave Ryan tackles the issues of the day from a unique and humerous perspective.

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Oh Henry

Today’s Calgary Sun is reporting that Calgary’s top catholic, Bishop Fred Henry, is threatening to blacklist schools that use “immoral” fundraising techniques such as gambling and bingos. Not sure what exactly “blacklist” means, but I am pretty sure that in light of Catholicism’s recent problems with sex abuse, taking a heavy stand on the immorality of bingo may be a little hard for some to swallow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its the 'Catholic' school boards who are being hypocritical. The Bishop's job is to help them remain faithful. That would include not encouraging, promoting, or receiving benefit from things that are immoral - ie they cause spiritual and/or physical harm. I'm pretty sure that gambling reasonably falls in this category.

Bishop Henry is consistent in being faithful, even on many 'contraversial' issues, which perhaps the schoolboards have ALSO not been appreciative of. Canadian Catholic schoolboards, in general, are not known for faithfulness - thus the ever increasing numbers of Catholic homeschoolers who live near Catholic schools.

The hypocrasy lies with those who call themselves Catholic, but know nothing of humility, obedience, or faithfulness. If they are doing their own thing - they ain't Catholic.

11:18 a.m. MDT  

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